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Royal filter for LAY-Z-SPA Hydrojet inflatable hot tub

Highly durable inflatable whirlpool filter, designed for long-lasting use and easy maintenance. Thanks to the use of the innovative PETG material, it is characterized by extraordinary toughness, strength and durability, guaranteeing a perfect replacement for cartridge filters. Plus, its refill can be conveniently machine-washed, making it easy to care for your filter. We offer a wide range of colour designs and provide the option of customising the dimensions to suit individual needs. With our 100% recyclable filter, you can enjoy clean and carefree relaxation in your hot tub.


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Filtration for hot tub – chlorine-free water treatment

The ROYAL filter, together with the Royal multifunctional microfiltration media, is designed for microfiltration of water in hot tubs, swim spas and smaller pools and wherever conventional cartridge filters are used.

The microfiltration media must be purchased with the filter.

It has a cylindrical shape, its bottom part is equipped with a replaceable thread adapter or just a hole depending on the type of filter fitting in the given hot tub. The bottom third of the ROYAL FILTER length is solid solid wall all the way around, the top two thirds are perforated and the top lid of the ROYAL FILTER is also perforated. From the lower inlet opening up to two-thirds of the length of the ROYAL FILTER, there is a central perforated inlet nozzle which has a solid solid wall at its mouth, which defines the space for the ROYAL FILTER’s skimmer. At this level, a skimmer grid is located around the entire perimeter to separate the skimming area from the ROYAL multi-functional microfiltration media.


Suitable as a replacement for paper cartridges:


Produced by INTEX

  • Pure Spa Jet & Bubble Deluxe
  • Pure Spa Greystone Deluxe
  • Pure Spa Greywood Deluxe
  • Pure Spa Bubble massage
  • Pure Spa Calacatta Dual Zone
  • Pure Spa Chevron Deluxe
  • SPA hydromasážny bazén 2,39×0,71 m SQUARE
  • SPA hydromasážny bazén 2,11×0,71 m SQUARE

Produced by BESTWAY

  • Spa Helsinki Airjet Lay-Z-Spa1,80 x 0,66m
  • Lay-Z-Spa Budapest
  • Spa Hollywood Lay-Z-Spa 1,96×0,66m
  • Spa Grenada Airjet Lay-Z-Spa 2,36×0,71m
  • Spa Tahiti Airjet  Lay-Z-Spa 1,80×0,66m
  • Spa FIJI SIGNATURE AIRJET™ Lay-Z-Spa 1,8 x 0,66m
  • Spa Cancun Airjet Lay-Z-Spa 1,80X0,66M
  • Spa Bahamas Lay-Z-Spa 1,80m x 0,66m
  • Spa Havana Airjet Lay-Z-Spa 1,8×0,66m
  • Hawaii hydrojet pro Lay-Z-Spa 1.80×1.80×0.71m
  • Toronto Smart AirJet Plus™ Lay-Z-Spa 1,90 x 0,70m
  • Paris Lay-Z-Spa® AirJet™ 1,96 x 0,66m
  • Palm Springs Lay-Z-Spa® AirJet™
  • St.Moritz Lay-Z-Spa 2,16M X 0,71M
  • Honolulu AirJet Lay-Z-Spa 1.96×0,71m
  • Milan AirjetPlus Wifi Bestway Smart Hub™ Lay-Z-Spa 1.96×0.71m
  • Mauritius AIRJET™ Lay-Z-Spa 2.7X1.8X0.71 M
  • ARUBA SIGNATURE AIRJET™  Lay-Z-Spa 1,70×0,66 m
  • Lay-Z-Spa Maldives

Produced by NetSpa

  • Vita SP-VIP140
  • Aspen SP-ASP130D
  • BOA SP-BOA155

Produced by MSPA

  • Carlton M-CA061
  • Tekapo C-TE062
  • TEKAPO C-TE042
  • Ottoman C-OM061
  • Otium M-OT062
  • Portland P-PO063
  • Duet F-DU062W
  • RIMBA U-RB061
  • BERGEN C-BE042

Produced by Marimex

  • AQUAMAR 4002
  • AQUAMAR 6003


Filtration method via ROYAL FILTER:

Thanks to the perforated design of the body and the perforated central suction nozzle of the ROYAL FILTER, the water is drawn in all directions by the whirlpool pump through the Royal multifunctional microfiltration medium, which ensures thorough microfiltration from 3 microns.

Due to their robustness, the service life is estimated to be many years, only the multi-functional microfiltration medium is changed and this approximately once every 12 months.


Benefits of ROYAL FILTER:

  • It is versatile and significantly saves the environment and especially your money!
  • It provides thorough microfiltration of water from all particles from 3 microns in size, which is at least 10 times better than filtration through conventional cartridge filters or sand filtration. Safely filters out oils, grease, deodorants, antiperspirants, biological material, urea, and all particles invisible to the naked eye.
  • Provides significant savings in money, water and cleaning time over conventional cartridge filters. Savings are a minimum of forty litres of water and 25 minutes of time per week cleaning of two conventional cartridge filters, and almost 100% savings in chemicals used to clean conventional cartridge filters.
  • The Royal multi-functional filter media simply needs to be washed once a week in a washing machine without washing powder and fabric softener, in a quick programme of about 15 minutes at a temperature of about 35 degrees and left to dry freely.
  • If you have iron or manganese in your water, the ROYAL FILTER will safely and effectively filter it out of your hot tub water without the addition of various chemicals.
  • In combination with KYROL TC – a unique chlorine-free disinfectant and other chlorine-free hot tub water treatment components, it ensures clean and healthy water in your hot tub or swim spa.
  • It guarantees a high water flow rate compared to commonly used conventional cartridge filters, thus significantly saving strain on the pumps and allowing you to make the most of their hydrotherapeutic performance. This is not always possible with conventional cartridge filters due to their poorer throughput caused by scale and sludge, which is also often the cause of pump failures.
  • Thanks to the integrated skimmer at the bottom of the filter, it traps sediment and larger impurities that do not get back into the water in the whirlpool when the Royal multifunctional microfiltration medium is replaced, as is common with conventional cartridge filters. This guarantees minimal or cartridge filters, these will leave a great deal of debris that will simply wash out of the water when the filter is removed.
  • The two components of the ROYAL FILTER – the ROYAL FILTER body and the ROYAL multi-functional microfiltration media are two separate parts and are fully recyclable.
  • Cartridge filters have a maximum lifespan of one year, recycling cartridge filters can be a problem as two different materials are fixed together – plastic and filter cloth.

Additional information

Weight 0,65 kg

Belatrix, Hanscraft MSpa, Intex pure spa, LAY-Z-SPA Bestway/Mauritius, Layz spa hydrojet pro, Malaga extra, Marquis, MSPA Oslo / Rimba / Vito, NetSpa Octopus, Other, SC757


Royal filter

We are not just another company in the filtration system market. We are pioneers in technology that is revolutionizing the way you care for your jacuzzi and swim spa. Our mission is clear: to bring innovative, ecologically sustainable and healthy solutions that transform your water relaxation areas into oases of cleanliness and peace. Our Promise: Our filtration systems are the result of constant research and innovation, designed to provide superior water purity without compromise. We believe that luxury experiences don't have to burden our planet. Our solutions minimize the need for chemical cleaning agents and reduce energy consumption, thus contributing to a healthier environment. Clean and safe water is the basis of health. Our technologies are designed with your best in mind, eliminating harmful substances and ensuring that your water is not only clean, but also healthy. Your satisfaction is our success. We are here for you to ensure that every interaction with our technology exceeds your expectations. Royal filter is more than just a brand; it's a commitment to cleanliness, health, and satisfaction that you can feel with every drop of water in your jacuzzi or swim spa. Together, we are opening a new chapter in water relaxation, where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand to bring you not only better solutions, but a better world.


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Cost calculations

Srovnání nákladů na mikrofiltrační média ROYAL FILTER a Royal multifunkční mikrofiltrační média ve srovnání s běžnými papírovými filtry.

Životnost filtru ROYAL FILTER je prakticky neomezená, ale abychom viděli reálný příklad nákladů a úspor, spočítejme si průměrnou životnost našich vířivek, která je 15 let.

Cena filtru ROYAL FILTER je 96,- € s DPH a cena běžného papírovýho filtru je 48,- € s DPH.
Cena multifunkčního mikrofiltračního média Royal je 30,- € s DPH.

Cena filtru ROYAL FILTER spolu s multifunkčním mikrofiltračním médiem Royal je 130,- € s DPH.

Z pohledu prvního roku se zdá, že náklady na filtr Royal jsou o 52,- € vyšší než náklady na běžný papírový filtr.

Nyní rozdělíme počáteční náklady na filtr ROYAL jako investici na uvedených 15 let, i když jeho životnost je podstatně vyšší.

96: 15 = 6,4,- € s DPH, což je cena královského filtru za jeden rok, pokud počítáme pouze 15 let, ve skutečnosti je to nejméně jednou tolik, tedy jednou tolik ušetříme.


Cena ROYAL FILTER na jeden rok je 6.4,- €.
Cena běžného papírového filtru na jeden rok je 48,- €.
Úspora ve prospěch společnosti ROYAL FILTER tedy činí 41,6,- € ročně!
Od této úspory však musíme odečíst roční náklady ve výši 30,- EUR na multifunkční mikrofiltrační médium Royal.

Výměnou běžného papírovýho filtru za filtr ROYAL a multifunkční mikrofiltrační médium Royal získáte přímou roční úsporu 11,3 € za jeden filtr, pokud má vaše vířivka dva filtry, získáte přímou roční úsporu 20,6 €, pokud má tři filtry, získáte úsporu 34 €.


Kromě toho však získáte velmi významné nepřímé úspory na spotřebě vody, vašeho času, spotřebě chemikálií na čištění běžných filtrů, spotřebě chemikálií na úpravu vody a vaše voda ve vířivce bude nesrovnatelně čistší.

Výměnou běžného papírového filtru za filtr ROYAL a multifunkční mikrofiltrační médium Royal získáte přímé roční úspory v závislosti na počtu filtrů ve vaší vířivce:

  • Pro jeden filtr je to nejméně 12 hodin vašeho času ročně stráveného čištěním běžného papírového filtru ve srovnání s filtrem ROYAL FILTER, s filtrem ROYAL FILTER ušetříte nejméně 1000 l vody ročně, ušetříte také nejméně 60,- € ročně za použité chemikálie.
  • Pokud má vaše vířivka dva běžné papírové filtry, získáte dvojnásobnou úsporu času, vody a peněz, tj. minimálně 24 hodin ročně, které byste strávili čištěním filtrů, pro životní prostředí ušetříte minimálně 2000 l vody ročně a minimálně 110,- € za chemikálie.
  • Pokud má vaše vířivka tři běžné papírové filtry, získáte až trojnásobnou úsporu času, vody a peněz, tj. nejméně 36 hodin ročně, které byste strávili čištěním filtrů, pro životní prostředí ušetříte nejméně 3000 l vody a chemie ročně za nejméně 160,- €.


Běžně mají vířivé vany dva papírové filtry a jejich výměnou za ROYAL FILTERS ušetříte přímo i nepřímo nejméně 360,- € ročně.

Investice do filtru ROYAL FILTER se vždy vyplatí a mnohonásobně vrátí.

Budete mít ve své vířivce nebo lázni úžasně čistou vodu, šetříte životní prostředí a pokud má vaše vířivka dva filtry, ušetříte minimálně 360,- € ročně.

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Royal filter for LAY-Z-SPA Hydrojet inflatable hot tub

in stock


Highly durable inflatable whirlpool filter, designed for long-lasting use and easy maintenance. Thanks to the use of the innovative PETG material, it is characterized by extraordinary toughness, strength and durability, guaranteeing a perfect replacement for cartridge filters. Plus, its refill can be conveniently machine-washed, making it easy to care for your filter. We offer a wide range of colour designs and provide the option of customising the dimensions to suit individual needs. With our 100% recyclable filter, you can enjoy clean and carefree relaxation in your hot tub.


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