
How easy is it to keep the water in your hot tub, swim spa or swimming pool clean?

Do you feel that taking care of the water in your hot tub, swim spa or swimming pool is a complicated affair? Nothing is lost! With the right approach and the right products, you’ll find that keeping the water clean and inviting can be a breeze.

Caring for the water in the whirlpool

Some hot tub owners think that taking care of the water is just about maintaining the optimum pH and occasionally adding disinfectant. But if you want the water in your hot tub to stay healthy and clean for the long term, much more comprehensive care is needed.

“This includes regular cleaning of filters, nozzles, the internal piping system, technical equipment, the inner shell and the underside of the thermowell.”

It may sound like a daunting task, but if you use a comprehensive water treatment system designed for hot tubs, swim spas or swimming pools, everything will go smoothly.

We recommend Spa Balancer products to our clients, which are proven by years of experience and provide truly comprehensive care. This chlorine-free chemistry system takes care not only of the water, but also of the filters, technical equipment, internal piping, shell, wrapping and thermal insulation.

Choice of chemical means for water treatment

The quality of the chemicals you use to treat your water has a significant impact not only on the quality of the water, but also on the overall maintenance of your hot tub. You will find both chlorine and chlorine-free chemicals on the market.

Chlorine agents are available in tablet, powder or liquid form and are among the cheapest methods of disinfection. However, despite the low cost, many people prefer alternative methods.

“Compared to chlorine-free chemistry, chlorine is less effective and can negatively affect people’s health.”

For a healthier and more effective alternative, it is recommended to reach for chlorine-free chemistry. Various products are available on the market, such as tablets with active oxygen, natural enzymes or blue feldspar. However, none of these products provide long-term effects.

In several cases, the water in the hot tub may start to foam. This problem can be solved by using a skimmer, but that just means adding more chemicals to the system. Despite the use of these agents, the water can turn grey or get an unpleasant smell, and even increased dosage of chemicals does not always help.

“Nothing compares to a comprehensive water treatment system for hot tubs that is the only one guaranteed to keep the water clean, healthy and visually appealing over the long term.”

With this system you can ensure clean water not only in your hot tub, but also in your spa or swimming pool. With products like the Spa Balancer, water care becomes very easy. You just need to follow the regular dosage once a week.

So how to choose the best water treatment products? The key is to evaluate your needs, preferences and budget. If you’re looking for a solution that’s skin-friendly and don’t want to deal with the pungent smell of chlorine, chlorine-free chemistry may be the right choice. On the other hand, if you need fast and effective disinfection at a reasonable price, chlorine chemistry may be a good fit. In any case, it’s important to consider the long-term impact of the chemistry you use, not only on water quality, but also on equipment maintenance and your health.

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