
Hygienické zásady, ktoré treba dodržiavať vo vírivkách, bazénoch a swim spa

Observing hygiene principles before entering a hot tub, swimming pool or swim spa is essential for the health and comfort of all users. These principles help prevent the spread of disease and keep the water clean and safe for health. Below you will find a comprehensive overview of the hygiene precautions everyone should follow. Following […]

Chyba E90 vo vírivke: čo znamená a ako ju vyriešiť

Error code E90 is a common report that hot tub owners may encounter and usually indicates a water circulation problem. This code can be caused by several factors, from filter clogs to pump problems. Let’s take a closer look at the causes of this error code and ways to effectively fix the problem. Causes of […]

Ozonátor Whirlpool: revolučný spôsob dezinfekcie vody

Hot tubs are synonymous with relaxation and well-being, but to ensure that this well-being lasts, it is essential to keep the water clean and safe. Among the most effective and gentle methods of water purification is the use of an ozonator. A hot tub ozonator brings a revolutionary method of disinfection that ensures the water […]

Bezchlórovú chémia, ktorú odporúčame!

How to keep the water in a hot tub or swimming pool clean? You have a choice: more aggressive methods such as chlorine, bromine or active oxygen-based products, or a gentler alternative – chlorine-free chemistry. We have chosen to prefer chlorine-free chemistry for hot tubs for reasons that benefit not only our health, but also […]

Aký je vplyv chlóru na ľudský organizmus

Chlorine is a chemical that is commonly used to disinfect water, including swimming pools and hot tubs. Although it is an effective way to prevent the spread of bacteria and other microorganisms, it can also have several negative effects on the human body. This article will review the main impacts of chlorine on human health […]

Porovnanie kartušového filtra a filtra z materiálu PETG pre vírivke

Hot tubs are a place of relaxation and well-being, where we can forget about everyday worries for a while. However, in order to keep this oasis of calm clean and health-safe, it is essential to use effective filters. There are many types of filters on the market, but two of the most popular are cartridge […]

Chlórová vs. bezchlórová chémia: čistota vírivky na prvom mieste

A hot tub is synonymous with relaxation and well-being. However, its proper maintenance is essential not only to keep the water clean, but also for the health of those who use it. In this article, we will look at the two main methods of maintaining hot tubs – the use of chlorine and chlorine-free chemistry. […]

Vedeli ste, že najdôležitejšou súčasťou vašej vírivky je filter?

Hot tubs provide a great opportunity to relax and unwind after a busy day. However, in order to enjoy this luxury fully and safely, it is crucial to keep the water clean and safe for your health. This is where the filter comes into play, as it plays an indispensable role in keeping your hot […]

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